Friday, March 19, 2010

St. Patty's Day

Since Tom and I both have the week off, we decided to venture over to Muscatine for St. Patrick's Day. Tom's parents always make corn beef and cabbage and have their friends over to celebrate (grasshoppers, yum!). Little social butterfly boy thought it was great to show off his new walking skills. Jamesie is such a ham, he loves being around people and he just talks and talks and talks when there are people around! Tom thinks it must be the Dorman in him that makes James so chatty, and I think he may be right. Little Boy must take after his Grandpa, Great-Grandpa, and Uncle Kevin.

What was Jamesie's favorite part of Muscatine??? His cousin Gillian, of course! James and Gillian ran around and played nonstop. Her reward for sharing her toys with him? Crazy Man sat still long enough for her to hold him. She better enjoy that while it lasts because he's about the same size as her already!


  1. These pictures make me desperatly homesick! So sweet to see Gillian and Jamsie having some good cousinly bonding time.

  2. Two things: 1. The pics of Gillian and James are so cute. He really does seem to be nearly her size. 2. I like your green stripey shirt!
