Friday, July 2, 2010


Last Sunday was Jamesie's Baptism. I was a little nervous because instead of our usual Sunday routine of 9:15 church, food, nap we were doing 11:00 church, Baptism, lunch with family. My fear was that Little Boy would be a huge grouch, and it turned out I was right to be scared! Jamesie decided that he was not going to sit for church at all. Tom and I spent the entire service walking around and trying to calm crank-boy down. He didn't want snacks, he didn't want to play in the family room, he didn't want to be held, he didn't want us to put him down. I hope our family members enjoyed the sermon because I don't think I heard a word of it! Finally we settled on the old stand-by and took him outside to play. Any other day we would have just left but it was not an option this Sunday. The Baptism Ceremony was pretty much the same...Jamesie sat for about 10 minutes and in that short time he managed to hit the pastor in the foot with his wipes container and throw his binky all the way across the aisle. Luckily, he was one of the first kids to be Baptized because I don't think we would have made it until the end of the service. He looked shocked when Pastor Richard sprinkled water on his head, and Joe suggested that I sprinkle water on his head everytime he misbehaves in church because it did seem to slow him down for a minute. I was sure he was going to reach his hand right into the bowl of water. Thankfully, he didn't and he and I enjoyed the rest of the service from the back of the chapel. Grouchy behavior aside, it was great to have our family at church and we had a very nice lunch afterwards. To paraphrase Pastor Richard-The water is not important, the church is not important, and having a grouchy boy who won't sit still and is throwing a fit is not important. What is important is that God showed up and Jamesie began his relationship with Him.

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