Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back To School

Tomorrow is my first day back at work. I'm really sad to leave James, but it's definitely time for me to go to work. I am a lot more productive when I am working and these past couple weeks I've started going a little crazy with boredom. James will be going to an in-home daycare. His teacher's name is Julie. Last week James went there in the afternoons while I worked in my classroom for a few hours. He seemed to like Julie but he was an AWFUL napper while he was there. I'm hoping he can learn to take good naps while he's there, otherwise he will be a very tired and cranky little boy. I think the transition is going to be hardest on me (I cried the whole way to school each day when I dropped him off) and Foxy. Fox Fox has gotten very spoiled this summer so she's going to have a hard time readjusting to days by herself.
Today the whole circus went to school to help me get my classroom ready. Tom was very helpful-he hooked up my computers and hung some high posters for me. Foxy and James slept most of the time, but I think they had fun seeing their mom's work.

1 comment:

  1. I've always wanted to see your classroom! Looks like James beat me to the punch.
