Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Crazy James

Monday morning brought the end of winter break and the return to daycare, school, and work. James has been back at daycare for 3 days and each day when I've picked him up his babysitter has gone on and on about how different he is now than before break. I agree that during the 2 weeks of winter break Jamesie seems to have really grown up! Tom uses the word hyper to describe him and I would definitely agree with that. Among Jamesie's favorite things right now are:
  • Standing doesn't matter what or where, if he can grab it, James will use it to pull himself up.
  • The dogs, but they don't love him quite as much now that he's mobile. He makes a mad dash for their food and bones every chance he gets, and it really hurts when he grabs a fistful of their hair to help himself stand up (see above). Fortunately, when they go the opposite direction each time they see him coming he thinks it's a fun chasing game they're playing with him.
  • James has a girlfriend at daycare and she kisses him and he likes it!
  • Cuddling with his mama-he always comes over for quick hug breaks in between standing up and terrorizing the dogs.
  • Playing "bumphead" with Grandpa Dorman.
  • Whispering, talking, and shouting...Jamesie has a lot to say and he makes sure we know it!
  • The little boy in the mirror. Every time he sees a mirror James lights up because he's so happy to see his friend.
  • Drinking water and "eating" Cheerios. Usually Foxy eats the Cheerios because James can't quite get them to his mouth, but he still thinks it's really fun. Jamesie loves to drink out of his sippy cups but he really loves to drink out of grown up cups...if you are getting a drink and he sees you, be prepared to share or face his wrath.
  • Playing with anything that's not a toy, especially spoons, bowls, and plates.
  • Playing with his cousins (even when they don't like to play with him, it's kind of like the dogs).


  1. I like...picture number 2 for the look one of the girls is giving him!

  2. I know! They don't like to play with him, but he's oblivious, it's pretty funny to watch.
