Saturday, January 30, 2010

The January Report

January has been a very fun month. Two weekends ago we made the trek over to Muscatine and Jamesie got to spend time with his Grandma and Grandpa Ruden and his cousin Gillian, as well as his Great-Grandma Fifi. James and Gillian played like crazy, and Jamesie really enjoyed riding Gillian's bike. Can you guess what we had to buy as soon as we got home? I tried to point out that James couldn't even play with all of his toys because he has too many, but Tom wasn't hearing that and a trip to Toys "R" Us yielded James a brand new circus train to drive around the house.

Another purchase made in January was a new lamp for our family room. We had a really nice one until Jamesie shook it so hard it tipped over. Luckily it didn't hurt him when he fell, but the lamp was a goner. It worked for a few more days, but it was never quite the same. Instead of touching it to turn it on and off it had to be plugged in and unplugged. Eventually it just wouldn't turn on at all. Mr. James isn't allowed to shake the new lamp so instead he shakes his highchair, the fireplace, the barstools, Foxy, his leapfrog table, Poncho, and the computer.

Jamesie also had his 9-month check up this month. He now weighs in at a hefty 18 pounds (between the 10th and 25th percentile) and measures a big 28 inches (50th percentile). He had to have his finger pricked which didn't seem to bother him too much, but he wasn't sure about the Spongebob band-aid on his finger. At first he tried really hard to yank it off and then he just stared at it for a long time.

There have been 4 snow days this month, and right now school is scheduled to be out June 16th. I think it's crazy to go to school in the middle of June, but I really really love snow days. I keep checking the news in the morning hoping that there might be a power outage or something that will keep us from going to school. I'm sure I'll be grumbling later, but this extra time at home with my little boy (James) and my widdle girl (Foxy) have been awesome!


  1. That picture of your little boy and widdle girl looking out the window is very sweet!

  2. That train looks like fun! Ask James if I can hitch a ride next time the circus is in town!

  3. I like the one of James in his highchair with his leg up. So much fun! We need to make a trip to the Rudens so that Ben can play with some toys! Looks like James has quite the toy store at his house!
