Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Fever

Spring has sprung, and in the Ruden household that means 3 things:
  1. We have been without cable and internet for a week because they cut our cable line while digging holes for our deck.
  2. They cut our cable line while digging holes for our deck! That's right, our deck is finally being built. The posts are in, the frame is done, and the boards are across the top! Tom and I just got finished walking on it, and it was love at first step.
  3. Little Mister has fallen in love with the great outdoors. He wasn't big enough to appreciate being outside in the Fall, but now he is an outside boy. Since we've been having this nice weather we have spent every minute outside and still Jamesie cries when we come in at bedtime. What's James's favorite part of being outside? He really likes eating rocks, but the very best thing? The sticks, duh!


  1. I think he gets cuter every time I see him...so much hair!! Don't worry Auntie Julie and Uncle Kyle will help make darn sure that boy gets his fill of the outdoors! hiking? camping? can't wait to get my hands on him :)

  2. Awesome news about the deck! How do you get to it? Are there doors cut into the dining room?

  3. Julie-Tom says that's great that James can go camping with you, we'll be at the hotel! Super excited that you guys are going to be so close, can't wait to see you!

    Jennifer-the door is going in our kitchen where the windows are.
