Tuesday, July 14, 2009

And we're off...

Ok I did it. I finally took the plunge and started a blog. I'm a little nervous because I've never been very good at keeping things like this updated, but I'm really hoping this time will be different. My hope comes from a very special motivation: my sweet baby James. He's growing up so fast and changing so much I feel like I need a way to keep everyone informed on what's happening in his life (and maybe what's happening with me and Tom too, but let's face it most people are only interested in James). So, here goes nothin'!

I, Kelly Lynn Ruden, do solemnly swear to try my best to keep this blog current. If I go too long without updating I am prepared to accept complaints and hostility from friends and family members. I acknowledge the frustration that comes from checking an outdated blog and I vow not to become one of those sites.

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